Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Fisch Bowl Movie

At first when watching this movie it gives different statistics about how much time is spent online, on cell phones, texting, watching TV, and etc.. I really started to think, wow, I fall into a lot of those categories, and it made me realize how much time revolves around technology. In a way I even feel as if some of the time using all this technology isn't really just a waste. Like right now, not only am I doing homework, but I'm also on facebook talking to people, and looking at pictures. So I'm doing something positive with my time, homework, and not so positive, facebook.

This movie was really pretty neat. I realize now that most of what I can do on a computer has been learned throughout school. Without that help I would be lost and not know much about what I was doing. The point of the video is to make people realize that technology is becoming more and more apart of everyday life and that we need to learn how to teach children to adapt. What we can teach them today about computers and technology will be very different by the time they get out and are able to use it in jobs. We need to be teaching how to adapt to change not just how to turn on the computer.

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